Why Did You Go Away? steps 19/30 light 4/5 This was a pretty good light chart. It did feel like more of a 3 than a 2, but it's nice to see an easier chart for faster paced songs. standard 8/10 This was a pretty nice chart. It followed the music pretty well and had an authentic DDR feel to it. heavy 11.5/15 This was a pretty nice chart. It wasn't electrifying, but it was very solid and felt like something that you might have seen in Supernova, or maybe a recent DDR home version. presentation 11/20 Your graphics are a little plain. I didn't like the title text, in particular, but your artist text was pretty cool. Your doubles charts were alot of fun to play. I had to adjust your light and standard charts up about 4 bars in order to be able to play them properly. It seems as if you moved up the heavy chart while re-synching, and forgot about light and standard:( total: 34.5/50 A solid file, on the whole. I think you would have done alot better had you checked your light and standard charts before submitting your file.